Suzanne writes about how her experience has influenced her art:
"Growing up in Maine's Aroostook County gave me time to explore and contemplate the beautiful world around me. I have a vivid memory from when I was about 5 years old of crawling under the low hanging branches of a white cedar tree to lay in a patch of variegated bishops weed carpeting the ground there. The afternoon sun broke through in patches contrasting against the shadows from the branches of the tree above. It was a simple yet profound moment.

Like many artists, I started drawing and painting at an early age. My parenets indulged my tendencies and encouraged my efforts. Adult life brought with it responsibilities, marriage, raising a wonderful son and a career in home design. In 2011, I closed my home design business to become a fine artist full time. Painting under my maiden name of Savage, I worked in oil and watercolor depicting the coast and inland scenes of Maine. Often I work "en plein air" striving to capture one beautiful moment in time."
Brewer Camden HarborBrewer Double Top FancyRailyardSecret InletChickadee in PineHouse FinchMoonlit DoubletopPurple FinchShades of WinterThaw